La ceniza debe ser solo el 5% del material de desecho. Peso del incinerador: 50-60 kg Incineradores […]
Abfallart: Gesundheitsabfälle Abfalldichte: 125 bis 350 kg / m3 Heizwert des Abfalls: 4000KCAL / kg Feuchtigkeitsgehalt: 10 […]
zu verwendende chemische Mittel: 10% ige Heptylwasserlösung (unsymmetrisches Dimethylhydrazin), Heptyldampf (unsymmetrisches Dimethylhydrazin) mit einer Konzentration von 0,8 […]
Первая из многих публичных встреч, посвященных утилизации более 15 миллионов фунтов топлива M6 в Кэмп-Миндене, собрала около […]
30kgs tarifa 60kgs alimentan el incinerador de desechos de quemador de gas y petróleo pequeño para Afganistán […]
INCINERATEUR DE DECHETS HOSPITALIER Krankenhausverbrennungsanlage Design TECHNISCHE DATEN. Capacité destructive de 55 kg / h jour de […]
Controlled air medical waste incinerator designed for incineration of bio-medical waste generated at a blood-processing center. The waste to be treated mainly includes bio-waste (i.e. bodily fluids), infectious and hazardous waste such as syringes, needles, and other medical waste (i.e. silicon rubbers, plastic, textiles, papers, packs, etc.) Operational Specs Physical Specs Combustion Chamber Volume (m3) 8.80m3 Burn Rate* up to 1,500kg per hour Average Fuel Consumption 65 kg per hour or more (7 diesel burners) Operational Temperature 850 – 1320°C Gas Retention in Secondary Chamber Large secondary chamber Temperature Monitoring Yes […]
Controlled air medical waste incinerator designed for incineration of bio-medical waste generated at a blood-processing center. The waste to be treated mainly includes bio-waste (i.e. bodily fluids), infectious and hazardous waste such as syringes, needles, and other medical waste (i.e. silicon rubbers, plastic, textiles, papers, packs, etc.) Operational Specs Physical Specs Combustion Chamber Volume (m3) 8.80m3 Burn Rate* up to 1,500kg per hour Average Fuel Consumption 65 kg per hour or more (7 diesel burners) Operational Temperature 850 – 1320°C Gas Retention in Secondary Chamber Large secondary chamber Temperature Monitoring Yes […]
mobile incinerator is Double Combustion Chamber Containerized Mobile Incinerator. Containerized waste incinerator is our latest design for […]
Capacidad destructiva de 55 Kg / h jour de déchets hospitaliers avec un p? .C. i jusqu’à […]